August 29th

  • Cards in the deck right now: 16 traits, 10 targets, 22 defense (8 general defense, 4 reflect), 20 attacks (4 normal, 2 skip, 2 drop cards), 
  • If not doing anything in this turn, the player can choose to discard one card and pick up another one from the pile but can’t do anything after pick up
  • Too many defense cards
  • Play as many cards as you wish, at the end of turn, players draw card so that they have 5 in hand (tentative to change)
  • 2 targets in circulation at once
  • If 2 ppl arguing over target, other players can decide who gets target
  • Pictures for traits
  • (this is set) Declaration of Love allows a player to challenge for a target in play while saying a cheesy line (this disregards your amount of charm points)
    • Declaration of Love gets put back in draw deck after use and shuffle

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